Clarice Meadows

Ruby Challenges

What and why?

This is a series of challenges assigned while learning Ruby from Skillcrush, an online self-directed coding school. My favorite of these challenges included scraping a site using the Nokogiri gem, working on a fun little numerology script, and the two below. All of these are located on my Github repo.

What was learned

I was learning Ruby. As another object oriented language, I was focused on getting a handle on the newer elements which included gems and a different way of organizing the logic of the language.


image of always three ruby script

My favorite of these particular projects included Always Three, in which regardless of what number was given to the script, it always returned three. I was able to refactor it, cleaning up the code and making it faster and more concise.

image of fizz-buzz ruby script

The other favorite was FizzBuzz. I just really enjoyed working through the math of making this work. It's a simple little game, but was very satisfying to execute it in just a few lines of code.